Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jeff the Turtle

      Some people are looking for a friend. Someone that they can turn to when ever their lives need a jump start. Someone that makes you smile, makes you laugh, and can turn your day around. This someone is Jeff the Turtle.
      Jeff the Turtle is the most fun reptile that will always bring you a smile. He doesn't talk too much, but what he says brightens people's day. His basic introduction that he says to everyone is, "Hi I'm Jeff the Turtle." He loves everyone and wants to get to know everyone. He has no judgment, doesn't care what you have done, and just tries to help people throughout their lives.
      Jeff likes to have uplifting messages. For example, he may say something like, "Life is like a shovel, Dig It!" or, "Just keep swimming." Each one of his statements are different. Many times, what he says are based on a situation such as what is happening during the day. When it is snowing outside, he might say something like, "Be a kid again. Make a snowman." When it is Christmas, he might say, "Love your best present. The "presence" of your loved ones."
      In addition to Jeff's words of wisdom, he likes to wear certain things to fit the situation that he is in. For example, he might dress up like a vampire on Halloween or wear sunglasses on a very hot day. But no matter what he wears or says, it is always something that will brighten your day.
     Jeff is here for you. He will always be someone that you can turn to if you need a smile or a laugh. He wants to be your friend and wants to help you in your life. Jeff the Turtle says, "You're awesome! Show your awesomeness!"

Come back each week to enjoy Jeff's words of wisdom!

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