Monday, September 15, 2014

Reaching Jeff

Jeff is HAPPY, and you should be too! Life is too short to get stuck on the little things that bring you down. Jeff wants to make the most out of life that he possibly can. Jeff says, "Life may be short, but you can still reach for the sky!" If you don't try, then where will you end up? You can only move forward if you keep reaching for the stars. Also everyone always says to reach for the stars, but nobody says what to do when you get there. Jeff says that once you get to that star that you have been reaching for, then look beyond what you have achieved. There is always something more, so go for it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Distracted Jeff

As you know, Jeff is a turtle that loves to have a good time, but also is willing work his tail off when he needs to. He wants you to work hard so that you can be successful in life. Jeff says, "You need to work hard, even when it is hard to work." If you think about the most successful people on the planet, they all worked their tails off to get where they are. Of course we must also ask the question, "How do we measure success?" Is it the person with the most money? Jeff says, "NO!!" He feels like the most successful person is the person who is closest to the people around them. When we work, we also need to think about why we are working. Jeff works hard for his family and friends. Jeff asks, "Are you workin hard, or hardly workin?"

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bus Stop Jeff

Jeff first wants to say that he is sorry about not writing you in a while. Just like everybody, Jeff needs a break too sometimes, so he went on VACATION! But now it is time to get back in the groove. Jeff says that you can't have a break if you don't start the work. Now that Jeff has finished his vacation, he is ready to get back to work, specifically going to school to study the art of Turtleology. Jeff knows that this will not be an easy task, but he is going to work hard. Jeff says, "The harder the task, the greater the satisfaction!" He knows that if you work hard on something, you will feel more accomplished once your task is finished. No matter what, keep going. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Learning Jeff

Jeff knows that school and work can sometimes be frustrating and even boring at times. The tasks can be uneventful, and they take a lot of work and time that sometimes we don't have. Jeff wants you to remember that if you are doing something by yourself, it may make your experience less enjoyable. He encourages you to get involved with other people. Whether it is learning in a class, playing a sport, or going to work, it is always more fun to do things with others. Jeff says, "Learn to have FUN!"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Art Jeff

Jeff loves to be artistic! He loves to see all the colors and shapes working together to make a wonderful piece of art. They say that the eyes are the bridge to the soul, so if we are looking at something beautiful then it is going strait into our heart. Jeff says you can't spell heart without 'art'! Jeff wants to see some of your artistic talent. If you are willing, please send a picture of your masterpiece (could be anything, even a turtle) to, and Jeff will put your picture up right here!

NOTE: I will not put anyone's name on this that doesn't want their name on it.

Special Thanks To Jack who gave me this painting!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Growing Jeff

Jeff wants you to remember your inner child. No matter how old you get, remember yourself when you were younger. Each day as a child, your goal was to have fun. Why does that have to change? Sure you get older and have more responsibilities, but that doesn't mean that the fun has to go away. Find a job that you love to do. Try and make some jokes each day. Spend time playing games or doing what you love. Jeff says, "Go ahead and grow up, but don't let it get you down!"

Monday, June 2, 2014

Flying Jeff

Jeff says, "Look at the bright side of life, even if you feel stuck!" He remembers one time that he was walking down a hill and he stumbled. Jeff rolled to his back and couldn't get back to his feet, but he didn't think 'Oh no. I'm stuck.' but rather he thinks, 'I can fly!' He tries to take a bad situation and turn it around by looking at the positive. We can do this as well. Whenever you are feeling down in the dumps, just try and remember all the good things in life. When you do this, life's troubles don't seem as bad anymore. Jeff wants you to remember that you can fly too, if you believe in yourself!