Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Alien Jeff

Jeff says that you shouldn't isolate yourself. Get out into the world and meet people. This doesn't mean that you should just go talk to everyone on the planet, but rather you should be social. Make friends and spend time with them. Other people are like Jeff and want you to be the happiest you that you can be. Jeff says, "Don't be an alien!" Be someone that other people can lean on as well. If you show others that you are there for them, then they will be there for you in the future.

Snail Jeff

Jeff wants everyone to know that you don't always have to be moving at 1,000,000 mph. Take your time, enjoy the journey, and don't forget to smell the flowers. If you just run though life to get to the next point as fast as you can, than there is no purpose. Jeff says that half the trip is getting there. He also want you to take some time for yourself. You deserve it. Even if it is five minutes, take a break and just think about life. Think about all you have done, all you have yet to do, and all the people that you have helped along the way. Jeff says, "It's okay to be slow, just look at me!"

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love Jeff

Jeff says he loves you and wants you to love others. Especially during this time of year close to Valentines day. Give someone a hug. Ask how they are doing. Let them know that you care. Sometimes, people just need someone to talk too. Also, Jeff says, "Don't be afraid to cry. It's your eyes way of talking." Crying is not a bad thing. It shows people that you care about something and that you are human (or a turtle). Just remember that you can always go to others in a time of need. Others want to help you.

I would like to dedicate this post to all the people that have helped the Visser family through this hard time. Thank you

Crazy Jeff

Jeff is questioning the word "Normal". What is normal, and why would anyone want to be it. Jeff says, "You are the best you. Be yourself and show your strangeness." If the world was normal, then nothing would ever happen, no progress would be made, and life would be dull. People used to say a certain person named Albert Einstein was strange, but look at all the things that he did. Who would ever want to be normal anyway. Jeff is not saying to go crazy and do anything, but rather be yourself. Don't let anyone put you down because you are being who you are.